Hall of Fame

Challenge Winner
TN423/Security - 2024 - Tuesday 14 May 2024 Emile Van Vaerenbergh (83 points)
TN423/Networks - 2024 - Friday 12 April 2024 Paul Lecocq (88 points)
Saint Valentine CSC - Wednesday 14 February 2024 alexis (15 points)
C3 session 2 track 3 - Sunday 31 December 2023 rsio (6 points)
TN911-2023 - Friday 24 November 2023 Milan Clefas (75 points)
TN513/networks - Wednesday 11 October 2023 \//\/\ - 174POL 🔥 (68 points)
C3 admission test - Monday 11 September 2023 Milan Clefas (73 points)
Cyber Summerschool 2023 - Friday 21 July 2023 Mr. Robot (71 points)
TN423/Security - 2023 - Tuesday 16 May 2023 \//\/\ - 174POL 🔥 (96 points)
TN722 - Networks and Security N/F - Friday 12 May 2023 Ralinger Max - LU (99 points)
TN423/Networks - 2023 - Tuesday 4 April 2023 \//\/\ - 174POL 🔥 (106 points)
Forensics 2022-2023 - Monday 12 December 2022 Matteo (59 points)
TN911 - Friday 2 December 2022 Heiler Tiemen (58 points)
TN513/networks - Wednesday 28 September 2022 Louis Somers (57 points)
TN722 Networks and Security - N - Friday 13 May 2022 Janne Lodewyckx (94 points)
TN722 Networks and Security - F - Thursday 12 May 2022 Jonathan Catot (81 points)
TN423/Security - Tuesday 10 May 2022 Seppe Dietvorst (54 points)
TN423/Networks - 2022 - Tuesday 29 March 2022 PB24_ (87 points)
Forensics 2021-2022 - Monday 13 December 2021 Jeane (54 points)
TN513 - Advanced Networking - Wednesday 24 November 2021 Simplex (53 points)
TN722 Introduction to Networks - N - Monday 26 April 2021 De Bruyn (44 points)
TN722 Introduction to Networks - F - Monday 26 April 2021 Nicolas.Qu (45 points)
Forensics TN513 / INFO-Y119 - Monday 23 November 2020 Quentin Gérard (58 points)
Advanced Network Security - Tuesday 19 May 2020 Brent Van Hul (53 points)
TN722 Introduction to Networks - Friday 10 April 2020 Vanleeuw (55 points)
ULB Network Forensics - Wednesday 18 March 2020 Maxime Verwilghen (20 points)
ULB Memory Forensics - Wednesday 26 February 2020 iMAD (10 points)